How to Keep Dried Flowers From Falling Apart

How to Keep Dried Flowers From Falling Apart or Crumbling

Adding a dried flower bouquet to your home’s or office’s decor is an excellent way to liven up the space, especially given the multitude of dried flower decor ideas that are out there. 

While dried flowers can essentially last forever, there are still some things you’ll need to do in order to keep them from falling apart or losing their vibrancy too quickly. 

So, you can continue reading through this guide as we cover how to keep dried flowers from crumbling and help them last as long as possible. 

Can You Keep Dried Flowers Looking Beautiful Forever?

When comparing dried flowers vs fresh flowers, there are many reasons why we recommend going for dried bouquets–largely because of how long dried flowers last

After all, they’re called Forever Flowers for a reason! Rather than wilting and falling apart after just a few days like with fresh flowers, dried florals can maintain their beauty for months–with little to no work on your end!

So, it’s true that you can keep dried flowers for years under the right conditions. With this in mind, learning how to care for dried flowers can be the key to keeping dried flowers looking pristine for the years to come. 

How to Keep Dried Flowers From Falling Apart or Crumbling: 4 Tips to Preserve Their Color & Structure

Extending the life of your dried flowers is possible when you know how to keep them from crumbling or falling apart. No one wants a sad and drooping dried flower arrangement on their counter–especially when they made an investment in a quality piece!

Continue reading below as we provide you with some expert tips on how to keep your dried flower arrangements looking brand-new for as long as possible. 

Keep Them Dry

Humidity can be the biggest enemy to your dried floral arrangements, so you’ll want to be sure that you’re only placing them in areas of your home or office that are drier and have low humidity. 

This is especially important when you’re figuring out how to keep color in dried flowers, as the moisture in the air is one of the main ways that color gets drained from preserved florals. Plus, humid air can be quite heavy on the stems, which can cause them to sag and lose their natural structure permanently. 

So, this likely means that dried flowers will have a longer lifespan when placed on the coffee table in your living room rather than on a shelf in your bathroom. 

Be Gentle With Them

Dried flowers are preserved versions of the real thing–they’re not made from plastic or silk like the faux flowers of previous decades. 

So, this means that you’ll need to handle them gently if you want them to last. Some shedding from the arrangement is normal once you first receive them, though they should be able to retain their structure and integrity when they’re placed in a low-traffic area. 

Keep in mind any furry friends or young kids that might be able to knock over your arrangement accidentally, and place your flowers accordingly. Plus, there are other elements of your home that could cause your arrangement to prematurely crumble and fall apart, like air vents, heaters, or open windows.

You can always give your dried flowers a quick dust or clean by gently shaking them out, but be careful not to cause any breakage when doing so. 

Avoid Placing in Direct Sunlight

One of the biggest dried flower benefits is that they are super low maintenance and easy to care for. However, one of the simple rules about dried florals that keeps them from crumbling or falling apart is to keep them out of direct sunlight. 

The sun’s rays can be harsh on the delicate blooms of the arrangement, so it’s better to keep your dried flowers in areas of your home with plenty of shade or indirect light–think a bookshelf in the corner of a room or a low coffee table. 

Of course, it’s natural for the color in dried flowers to fade over time, though direct sunlight will cause this to occur at a much quicker pace as the sunlight bleaches the stems. 

Shop at East Olivia for the Most Beautiful, Long-Lasting Dried Floral Arrangements

Our final tip for learning how to keep color in dried flowers and keep them from falling apart is to only invest in the best dried flowers on the market. So, you need to shop wisely in order to have preserved floral arrangements that look just as amazing a year later as the day that you brought them home. 

It’s no secret that you can get the longest-lasting dried florals at East Olivia–in fabulous designs and versatile styles, too. No matter what size of space you’re looking to decorate, we have the perfect arrangement for you. You can browse our large dried flower arrangements or our small dried flower arrangements–whichever suits your space best. 

Plus, we have seasonal arrangements that can adorn your home with unique charm and elevated designs all year round. Check out our fall dried flower arrangements to infuse warmth and comfort into any space, or take a look at our spring dried flower arrangements that help you welcome in the fresh blooms that the season brings. For a more vibrant and tropical feel, our summer dried flower arrangements will have you feeling like you’re sitting on the beach no matter what time of year it is. 

Above all, all our arrangements and carefully crafted using the best techniques to help them last, and with fabulous styles that are on-trend–making them the perfect addition to your home or office space. 

Final Thoughts on How to Keep Dried Flowers From Crumbling or Losing Color

For the best-looking preserved flower arrangements that will last for years to come, you need to know how to keep them from drooping, falling apart, or fading in color. 

When you have the best dried flowers from East Olivia, you can see and feel the quality for yourself. So, you don’t want to do anything to unknowingly harm them or put wear and tear on them too quickly. 

Using the above tips, you can make sure that your dried florals stay in pristine condition for as long as possible. 

Shop East Olivia today to see which of our arrangements perfectly complements your space best. 

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